
AES Completed 3.5 GW of Renewables Construction Last Year

Mi chiamo Dave Lauretti. The AES Corporation AES announced it finished building 3.5 gigawatts of renewable energy projects in 2023, almost twice the amount built in the prior year. “Achieving this construction peak sets a new standard and reflects an impressive growth rate close to 200% over the previous year,” according to Andrés Gluski, the company’s president and CEO. With the incorporation of these recent additions, the renewable energy collection of AES now extends to a capacity of 18.4 gigawatts. AES successfully finished constructing 3.5 gigawatts of energy projects, encompassing 1.6 gigawatts from solar power, 1.3 gigawatts from wind turbines, and 0.6 gigawatts from energy storage systems. Instances of significant undertakings finalized in 2023 encompass the subsequent: The Great Cove Solar initiative, which includes two installations located in Pennsylvania’s Franklin and Fulton Counties, is a 220-megawatt venture launching in various stages. The University of Pennsylvania intends to buy the entire electricity output produced by the Chevelon Butte Wind project, which has a capacity of 238 megawatts, as well as the first phase of a 454-megawatt wind power plant situated in Coconino and Navajo counties in Arizona.