
Agilitas Energy completes community solar + storage project in Massachusetts

By February 14th, 2023. Agilitas Energy has finished a setup comprising of 9.6 MW of solar and 13.4 MWh storeroom in Rochester, Massachusetts. This system is a component of the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program, and serves as a participatory solar office to give nearby organizations monetary advantages. The supermarket chain Roche Brothers, based in Massachusetts, will be the primary supporter of the solar project. Barrett Bilotta, President, CEO and co-founder of Agilitas Energy, noted that “local businesses are the backbone of this country” and that the community solar project created in the Rochester area will give many of them the opportunity to benefit from the energy transition that is currently taking place in the United States. We are eager to use the recent achievements within our local areas as a launchpad to extend our reach across the nation and expedite the transition in communities all over the country. A new report from Agilitas Energy has been released.