
Appalachian Power Issues Renewables RFPs

The Appalachian Power Company has issued three RFPs for wind, solar, BESS and renewable energy certificates (RECs).

The first RFP requests bids for up to 800 MW of wind and/or solar resources, as well as co-located and standalone battery energy storage systems. The company seeks to acquire completed or development-stage projects, with a preference for projects located in Virginia or on eligible West Virginia sites. 

Facilities must be able to achieve a commercial operation date of 2028 and be within the PJM region or interconnected to the Appalachian Power distribution system. The company is requesting proposals for both new and operational projects. 

The second RFP requests bids for up to 300 MW of solar and/or wind resources via one or more long-term PPAs for the energy, capacity, ancillary services and environmental attributes, including RECs from facilities located within the PJM region and/or interconnected to the Appalachian Power distribution system. 

The third RFP centers on RECs produced from eligible energy resources.

Bidders may submit proposals for contract terms between five and 30 years beginning in 2027, but the company says alternative terms will also be considered.

Proposals must be submitted by July 16.

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