
BayWa, Ampt, Fraunhofer ICT Deploy Energy Storage Combination System 

BayWa r.e. and Ampt have deployed a combination of wind and solar generation together with battery storage within the microgrid at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) campus in Pfinztal, Germany.

BayWa r.e. installed three rooftop arrays and one ground-mounted system with a total capacity of 690 kWp to expand onsite energy utilization. The systems are connected to the power grid without their own inverters, but instead through an existing 2 MW wind turbine. A 10 MWh flow BESS is part of the system as well.

Leveraging Ampt string optimizers, each of the different technologies was integrated through a shared DC bus, says the company, adding that this way, generation variability across the PV systems can be managed and the different systems united at a high and fixed voltage.

Ampt string optimizers are DC/DC converters that perform maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and recover energy losses due to voltage and technology differences, according to BayWa r.e. Through individual string MPPT, Ampt optimizers mitigate the energy losses caused by shade from surrounding buildings on the Fraunhofer ICT campus. The optimizers are programmable and provide string-level data, enhancing visibility of the system functions as well as operation and maintenance capabilities.

“We are delighted to bring this milestone project to life. Ampt’s technology simplified a technically very complex project,” says BayWa r.e.’s Andrea Grotzke. “The way we have added solar to the existing wind energy and battery storage system is unique, and in successfully completing this project we were able to further improve our own expertise and capabilities. We are pleased with the result of this innovative power solution symbiosis and our ability to meet our customer’s individual requirements.”