
Bright Green to Power Extension Project with Solar Field Install

Bright Green Corporation says it will install a 102 MW solar field to power the electricity and heating requirements for its forthcoming $250 million Dalsem expansion project and commits to switch the existing facility currently burning natural gas and heavy oil to solar. 

The company has started the bid process with local installers, with the aim of ensuring its production and drug manufacturing requirements in Grants, N.M. are carbon neutral.

The successful bid will also include a PPA from local utilities to purchase excess power during peak times. 

Bright Green has committed to installing three high efficiency boilers manufactured from Precision Boilers in Morristown, Tenn. to be powered by the solar field. 

Panels will be manufactured by Maxeon Solar Technologies from their manufacturing plant in Albuquerque, N.M.

Baker Tilly has completed the construction cost modeling and related jobs for the EB-5 investment opportunity. 

“The future growth of this company is highly dependent on innovation and long-term efficiency,” says Lynn Stockwell, company founder and chairwoman of Bright Green Corporation. “The uncertainty of the long-term costs and pricing predicated on supply and demand for the traditional fossil fuels for this type of mega factory compared to clean energy from the sun advances the company’s economics and ethos.”