
CHINT Wins Bid for Brazil Vista Alegre PV Station

CHINT Astronergy has been announced as the successful bidder to provide PV modules for Atlas Renewable Energy’s 902 MW Vista Alegre solar farm in Brazil. The facility is located in Minas Geras in the south-eastern part of the country and will be using CHINT ASTRO N series modules based on N-type TOPCon cell technology. Brazil experiences an average of 3,000 hours of sunshine every year and 80% of its area is in tropical regions. The ASTRO N series photovoltaic modules are ideal for hot climates due to the multiple technologies included, such as N-type large silicon wafers, high-reliability packaging, super non-destructive laser cutting, multi-busbar and half-cell design, and optimized frames and double-layer high-transparency glass. These modules offer higher efficiency and power than other modules and also have a lower temperature coefficient. At the Vista Alegre project, CHINT Astronergy is working with Atlas for the tenth time. With their product, ASTRO N, they are able to reduce power loss by 0.06% per degree increase in temperature, thus leading to a higher power generation efficiency in extreme temperatures.