
Comstock Metals Receives Air Quality Permit from Nevada DEP

Source: Les Chatfield. The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection has informed Comstock about the granting of the new Class II Air Quality Operating Permit for their solar panel recycling facility. The facility is under construction and will incorporate technology for crushing, conditioning, extraction, and recycling of metal concentrates from photovoltaic and other electronic devices. Comstock already has the county’s approval and the Class II permit. The company is also anticipating the granting of the Nevada Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility Permit within the current quarter. The second permit will allow Comstock to finish setting up the process equipment and request the county fire marshall and building department for the final operation certificate of the facility. “We offer a safe, zero-landfill, end-of-life solution for solar installers, landfills, and utility-scale solar developers and generators. We serve the entire Southwest U.S. and even beyond,” states Dr. Fortunato Villamagna, President of Comstock Metals. An environmental conundrum is emerging rapidly as significant quantities of end-of-life photovoltaic materials are increasingly available from vast solar fields. Comstock Metals guarantees the secure dismantling, purification, division, and efficient recycling of crucial materials and valuable metals.