
Duke Energy Adds to Community Solar Portfolio in Florida

Melissa Seixasin nimi Duke Energy has finished constructing two solar plants, referred to as the High Springs Renewable Energy Center, on a total of 700 acres of property located in both Alachua and Suwannee counties in Florida. These are the newest sites of the company’s Clean Energy Connection program. The facility generates 74.9 megawatts of power and has roughly 201,000 panels that can tilt with the sun’s movement. The Hildreth Renewable Energy Center occupies a space of 635 acres of land in Suwannee County. This vast array of solar power plants have cost a total of $2 billion. All customers across Duke Energy Florida will benefit from these 25 grid-tied sites, which feature around 220,000 single-axis tracking panels with a combined capacity of 74.9 MW. These projects are projected to generate 1,500 MW of power through the implementation of around 5 million solar panels by 2024. Melissa Seixas, the state president of Duke Energy Florida, remarked that the company is on schedule to have its 21st solar project into operation before the close of 2021, honoring their commitment to their clients of delivering trusty, easily obtainable and clean energy. These investments let Floridians experience renewable energy sources and concurrently benefit from it through a lower fuel consumption expense. Customers of Duke Energy Florida are able to benefit from the Clean Energy Connection program and utilize solar power, thus amassing credits to be used on their electric bills, without having to worry about installing or maintaining any additional equipment.