
Ferrovial Building Floating Solar PV Plant for Utility

A Ferrovial PV project. Ferrovial, an infrastructure developer, has been given a contract by the Spanish water utility Canal de Isabel II to build, engineer and set up a 1.7 MW floating solar power plant in Torrelaguna, Madrid. This contract is the initial stage of Canal de Isabel II’s solar plan, which promotes using renewable energy sources and will set them back a total of $48.9 million. The solar facility is due to be built in the early months of 2023 at the Santa Lucía Hydroelectric Power Plant in Torrelaguna, Madrid. It will produce in excess of 2,000 MWh of energy. The facility will also decrease the amount of water that dissipates from the reservoir. Ferrovial set up a energy solutions segment within its construction section to accomplish the Horizon 24 Plan. The plan suggests working together on initiatives for constructing solar and wind power plants, transmitting and distributing energy, and providing energy services. Image credit