
FM Approvals certifies Anchor Products’ commercial roof mounts

By December 13, 2023, the deadline will have been reached. The U-Anchor by Anchor Products has been designated FM Approved Certification status across various models within the product range. FM Approvals is a global examinating body which has been assessing loss prevention products for more than one hundred years. “This news is exhilarating for the Anchor Products corporation,” remarked Joel Stanley, founder and CEO. The FM Approvals tracking system guarantees products stay consistent with the test criterion or specification. Anchor Product has been acknowledged as a leader within the industry, and was the first to gain approval from FM. This implies that their dedication to producing excellent products has been noted by a wider range of people. I am delighted by our whole team for attaining the FM Approval Stamp and the manner in which it symbolizes our consistent commitment to excellence in every aspect. FM Global’s independent testing service is known as FM Approvals. FM Approvals evaluates goods and services to make sure they meet the highest quality criteria for safety and property loss prevention. Their testing verifies the technical accuracy, performance and integrity of products for use in commercial and industrial facilities.