
FuturaSun Now Offering Solar Panels Based on n-type Heterojunction Tech

Solar PV company FuturaSun has expanded its product range with new Velvet n-type solars panel using heterojunction technology.

This glass-glass bifacial module is based on n-type heterojunction bifacial solar cells. Heterojunction technology combines crystalline silicon with silicon-based thin film to absorb more energy and reach higher performance than PERC modules. In addition, the layers of transparent conductive oxide make the cell more uniform, enhancing the module’s aesthetics from both sides.

The bifacial Velvet module increases system performance by up to 30% more than a single-sided module, depending on the configuration, location and environmental conditions of the PV system. Also, the glass-glass structure ensures high load-bearing capacity, strong mechanical stability and exceptional resistance to weather agents.

The Velvet Pro range features a glass-glass structure with 120 or 144 HJT MMB half-cut cells (166 mm – M6). These cells are laminated and framed in 1755 x 1038 mm, and weigh 23.5 kg. Moreover, the rated power of this range can reach 400 Wp in just 1.82 sq.m.

The Velvet Pro range stands out for its high efficiency (22%) and low temperature coefficient (-0.26%/°C), thus ensuring high performance even at high temperatures. At the end of the first year, the guaranteed power is 99%, which will slightly drop during the second year by 0.4 %/year. Therefore, after 30 years, performance will be at 88%.

For the whole Velvet range, FuturaSun offers a 30-year performance warranty.