
GameChange Solar Tracking Solutions Now Compatible with Ojjo Foundations

The Titan and Aragorn initiatives of Nextracker and Ojjo in Texas. Ojjo, which offers solar foundations, has increased the usability of its patented Earth Truss System to include racking, mounting and tracking solutions from GameChange Solar. Joining Array Technologies and Nextracker, these technology openings provide wider capabilities to the system. Generally needing less steel and manpower than conventional piles, Ojjo’s one-of-a-kind design can add value to utility-scale projects that present subterranean danger, pre-drill necessities, or large-scale excavation. The Ojjo foundations are tailored to specific bearing components of each tracker company and come ready to use, not needing any alterations of tracker systems. Ojjo has deployed approximately 2 Gigawatts (GW) of big projects, leveraging both Nextracker and Array Technologies. Nextracker capitalized on its early entry and became the first to supply an Ojjo UL 2703-approved solution, which was utilised in the Titan and Aragorn projects (105 MW) in Texas and the 175 MW Yellow Pine 1 solar project in Nevada. Subsequently, after Array Technologies released a compatible solution, both Nextracker and Array Technologies were picked for the 967 MW Gemini Solar Project – the largest non-hybrid solar and storage project in the country. Ojjo has been working with both Array Technologies and Nextracker on several additional projects, and has seen a high interest in the GameChange Solar trackers for anticipated projects. Mike Miskovsky, chairman and CEO of Ojjo, expressed his gratitude for their support and cooperation from the beginning, saying “We are very thankful for the teams at both Nextracker and Array Technologies and their fantastic collaboration.” We are happy to report that our firm is now able to work with GameChange Solar and acknowledge the persistent work of these industry heavyweights who have been helpful in allowing Ojjo to carry out projects affecting 10 GW.