
Grid interconnection requests grew by 40% in 2022

The total amount of electricity generation and storage capacity that is being planned for connection to power grids throughout the U.S. is becoming increasingly large, now having reached over 2,000 GW, according to fresh exploration conducted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The lines of people demonstrate an exceptionally intense curiosity in sun based, battery stockpiling and breeze vitality, which makes up 95% of the entirety proposed capability. The fact that the solar and wind energy capacity searching for grid connection (~1,250 GW) is just about the same as the entirety of operational U.S. power plants presents a serious issue for the system’s development. Projects are taking much more time and money to pass the interconnecting study procedure and become operational. The majority of grid connection requests in the process are unfortunately finished by cancellation and withdrawal. Getting into an association line is only one section of the entire development system; ventures must also arrange accords with landowners and networks, energy customers, gear providers, and banks, and may experience the consequences of transmission improvement prerequisites. The statistics from these queues still give a general idea of the trends of developers in the medium term. Berkeley Lab studied and studied data from the seven major electric power markets in the US and an extra 35 utilities that are not included in those areas, accounting for more than 85% of all electricity usage in the United States. The results of the study have been published in a presentation, a data source, and a user-navigable chart that join together the data from American power transmission lines to show tendencies of proposed energy generators in a variety of areas, such as technology, period, and regions. Joseph Rand, an energy policy researcher from Berkeley Lab and the principal writer of the study, remarked, “The connection lines display both the chances and issues of electric sector decarbonization in the United States.” There is an extraordinary amount of money and attention being given to the growth of clean energy sources. Conversely, the growing length of wait times and high exit percentages suggest that developers of these projects face a major issue.