
Grid-scale, residential energy storage installations set new quarterly records

The utility-scale energy storage market installed 4,733 MWh in Q3 2022, surpassing the previous quarterly high of 4,590 MWh set in Q1 2021. This information is in the latest “U.S. Energy Storage Monitor” report from ACP and Wood Mackenzie. Grid-scale storage deployments in Q3 mainly came from California and Texas, which accounted for 96% of total installed capacity.

“Demand in the grid-scale and residential storage segments continues to increase, despite rising costs and lingering supply chain challenges,” said Vanessa Witte, senior analyst with Wood Mackenzie’s energy storage team. “Installed capacity is expected to more than double next year, driven by new grid-scale project announcements and increased residential and non-residential volumes in California due to the introduction of a community solar program and NEM 3.0.”

According to the report, the total forecast volume between 2022 and 2026 across all segments increased by 109% quarter-over-quarter, and the U.S. storage market is expected to install almost 65 GW total, with grid-scale installations accounting for 84% of that capacity.

“Demand for energy storage is at an all-time high, driven by sustained higher energy prices, state decarbonization mandates, and Inflation Reduction Act incentives,” said Jason Burwen, VP of Energy Storage at the American Clean Power Association (ACP). “California’s reliance on energy storage to meet record peak demand this September shows why it’s absolutely critical that policymakers and grid operators remove barriers to supply to ensure reliability. The rapid increase in grid-scale storage capacity requesting to connect to the grid demonstrates that the pace of U.S. industry growth is increasingly dependent on the availability of transmission and timely grid access.”

Credit: CSI Energy Storage

Residential storage had another record quarter, with 400 MWh installed, surpassing the previous quarterly record of 375 MWh in Q2 2022. California, Puerto Rico, Texas and Hawaii were leaders in Q3 for residential instalments. Wood Mackenzie projects that this segment will climb to 2.2 GW in 2026.

Community, commercial and industrial storage deployments underwhelm for the second quarter in a row, with only 56.6 MWh installed in Q3. However, all segments are anticipated to steadily grow over the long-term forecast, bolstered by the strong demand from residential and grid-scale.

Wood Mackenzie’s Witte added that elevated prices and supply chain challenges largely due to a supply deficit combined with heavy demand have pushed several projects past 2022 and into later years of the forecast. However, the pipeline remains strong and active storage requests in the interconnection queue between 2022 and 2028 increased 120% quarter-over-quarter.

“Some developers have considered delaying projects into 2023 to receive tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, but this only applies to a very niche segment of projects,” Witte said. “In general, supply chain challenges and interconnection queue backlogs will push capacity to later in the forecast, with 2024 to 2026 seeing increases of 9 to 13% per year due to this.”

News item from ACP