
JA Solar to Expand the Mexican PV Market with Exel Solar     

En jordbruksinvestering av JA Solar. JA Solar, a producer of solar powered products, has entered into an agreement with Mexican distributor Exel Solar in order to form a long-term alliance for the distribution of their products in Mexico. They hope to have a successful alliance that will provide customers with high-efficiency modules and quality services, as well as aid in the maintenance of the Mexican PV marketplace. Since 2016, when JA Solar first stepped into the Mexican market, they have had good relations with Exel Solar, who is a local PV module distributor, and can work together to propel the usage and growth of PV technologies in the country. The two companies have signed a deal for distribution cooperation over the past few years in order to increase JA Solar’s module shipments in their local market. Exel Solar plays a significant role in JA Solar’s global sales flow. Exel Solar has been in the Mexican PV market for greater than a decade and have used this time to aid in the development of JA Solar’s products in Mexico. Image credit.