
Kit Carson Cooperative Completes PPA for New Mexico Amalia II Array

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) and Guzman Energy have executed a PPA for Amalia II, a 10.98 MW solar array with 8.75 MW of battery storage set to be constructed in Amalia, N.M. 

The project is targeted for completion next year. The first phase, Amalia I, began commercial operations in May 2012 and generates 1.25 MW of solar power. 

Part of the Amalia II project was the coordination between KCEC and the Rio Costilla Cooperative Livestock Association (RCCLA), a membership of local ranching, farming and hunting families that own and manage the land where the array is sited. 

“Amalia II is a great example of renewable energy development planning starting with discussion and listening in the local community. Understanding the goals and concerns of the land keepers, in this case RCCLA, was critical in getting project planning agreement,” says Luis A. Reyes, Jr., CEO of KCEC. “The Amalia II project fits into the community vision and supports RCCLA’s mission to support community agriculture, farming, ranching, logging and hunting while generating clean renewable energy for the community.”

Renewable energy developer Luminace will build and maintain the facility. Guzman Energy will oversee all energy management including the dispatching of the BESS.