
Maxeon Solar Announces First Customer Installation with New Panels

Maxeon Solar Technologies has announced completion of an installation featuring its new Maxeon 7 IBC solar panels, which the company claims has the world’s highest commercial panel conversion rate efficiency at 24.1%. 

This is the first project powered by these panels, which was carried out by Maxeon’s partner Lidera Energía in Granada, Spain, where the system has been operational since the end of December. 

The company says the new cells feature a design to eliminate hotspot risk from cracking and heat buildup under shaded conditions, contributing to the panel’s maximum yearly 0.25% power degradation.

“Maxeon’s technology innovation and deployment continues to deliver exceptional results for customers across the globe,” says Bill Mulligan, Maxeon CEO. “This installation features our latest flagship IBC product and once again establishes a new performance standard for the entire solar industry.”

The new Maxeon 7 panels are currently available for selected Europe partners. Full commercial availability across regions is expected this year.