
Minnesota Approves Otter Tail Power Modified Integrated Resource Plan 

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has approved a modified version of Otter Tail Power’s Integrated Resource Plan, which lays out the utility’s plans for electricity generation and investments over the next 15 years. 

The commission also approved Otter Tail Power’s proposal to take a new approach to operating the Coyote Station coal-burning plant in North Dakota by utilizing “Available Maximum Emergency” status for the approximately 70 MW share of the plant that serves Otter Tail Power’s Minnesota customers. 

The Clean Energy Organizations (which includes Fresh Energy, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Sierra Club, and Clean Grid Alliance) commend the commission’s decision to approve the carbon-free additions.

“Fresh Energy applauds the Commission for approving a portfolio of new renewable and battery resource additions that are necessary for Otter Tail Power’s energy transition,” says Fresh Energy’s Isabel Ricker. “The utility needs to take a more ambitious and future-focused approach to carbon reductions and aligning its electricity resources with the state policy of Minnesota.”