
Minnesota legislature passes 100% Clean Energy bill

On February 3, the Minnesota State Senate passed the 100% Clean Energy Bill (Senate File 4) and sent it to Gov. Tim Walz’s desk.

The legislation mandates a transition to 100% carbon-free energy by 2040 and marks a crucial milestone on the road to equitable, economy-wide decarbonization. Utilities will also need to increase the amount of their electricity that’s generated from renewable energy sources to 55% by 2035. 

With the governor’s signature, Minnesota will join 10 other states with commitments to 100% clean or renewable energy. 

The bill will also drive significant advancements in environmental justice. By requiring utilities and energy regulators to direct proportional benefits to communities shouldering the heaviest burdens of climate change, Senate File 4 will be instrumental in reducing environmental health disparities and relieving unjust energy burdens for families across the state.

“Despite the work that remains ahead of us, the 100% Clean Energy Bill brings us closer than ever to a renewable, resilient Minnesota that puts people at the center,” said Jenna Warmuth, Vote Solar Midwest regional director. “I urge Governor Walz to sign the 100% Clean Energy Standard into law as soon as possible and add Minnesota to the growing list of states leading the way through 100% clean energy commitments.”

News item from Vote Solar. Updated with information from Environment America at 2:35 p.m. ET.