
National Grid Submits Final ‘Future Grid’ Plan To Massachusetts DPU

National Grid has submitted its Electric Sector Modernization, or Future Grid, Plan to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) outlining investments needed in the local electric distribution system over the next decade to meet the state’s climate change, clean energy and equity goals. 

The company submitted an initial draft of this Future Grid Plan to the Grid Modernization Advisory Council (GMAC) in September. The plan more recently submitted incorporates recommendations from the GMAC along with customer and stakeholder feedback from from across the Commonwealth.

“We are committed to being at the heart of the clean, fair, and affordable energy transition and meeting Massachusetts’ climate and clean energy goals,” says Nicola Medalova, chief operating officer for National Grid’s New England electric business. 

“At its core, a transformation of the energy ecosystem is required to achieve these goals and the electric distribution network is foundational to enabling this transformation. It will require new and expanded infrastructure in all communities to meet growing demand, collaboration and engagement among all of society, and an electric network that is fundamentally smarter, stronger, and cleaner than today.”

Over the next five years, the company proposes to invest approximately $2.5 billion in key areas, which are projected to have an average annual impact of 0.6% over the five-year investment period, says the company.

The DPU will review the plan through a formal regulatory process that includes opportunity for public comment and intervention. This process is anticipated to take seven months.