
Origami Solar Releases Third-Party Testing Results of Module Frames

After testing at CFV Labs and the Renewable Energy Test Center, Origami Solar has released data it says demonstrates that modules incorporating the company’s steel module frames passed frame-related industry-standard tests required to support module maker certifications. 

Certifications included those of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), specifically IEC 61215 static mechanical load testing and IEC 61701 salt-mist corrosion testing and continuity testing of equipotential bonding.

CFV ran both required static load testing and optional test-to-failure tests.

RETC’s salt mist corrosion and continuity testing on modules using Origami’s steel solar frames demonstrated similarly successful results, says the company, confirming corrosion protection performance of its zinc-aluminum-magnesium coatings. 

“As our modeling predicted, Origami steel module frames demonstrated excellent performance across the full range of certification tests,” says Origami Solar’s Lauren Ahsler. 

“The tests prove to the industry that there is minimal risk to module makers’ ability to get modules certified when they switch to steel solar frames. These rigorous, third-party tests also show that switching to steel module frames has the potential to address the decrease in allowable loading specifications for large format modules and to improve overall PV plant reliability. The steel frames’ excellent performance in the salt-spray test sequence should resolve any concerns about corrosion protection. This independent testing demonstrates that Origami’s steel solar frames represent a big step forward for the solar industry.”