
PearlX installs 700-kW community solar + storage project for California senior community

PearlX recently unveiled their biggest solar and storage project since Antin Infrastructure Partners taking up a majority share of the company back in February. The endeavour covers High Desert Villas, which is a 232-unit retirement complex in Victorville, CA. Approximately 700 kW of solar energy is now available on the property’s rooftops, and 314 kWh of battery storage are also included. PearlX applies a system which merges solar power and storage with financing, allowing every participant to gain advantages. Strata Equity Group, the proprietor, has been given a boost in cash flow through the rent disbursements from PearlX. The people who join get the right to use neat energy, cut down their bills from the company providing their electricity, and have a dependable alternate supply of energy to make sure they have power despite any breakdowns in the electricity grid. Typically, the installation can provide around 65% of the total electricity usage for the residents in a year. The municipality of SCE takes advantage of the surplus of power to help keep the grid steady during peak use periods. Currently providing electricity to its inhabitants, High Desert Villas is among the first distributed generation set-ups in SCE’s jurisdiction to equip renters with behind-the-meter storage and solar energy. We had a wonderful time collaborating with PearlX, who intends to provide assistance to 25,000 renters in California by 2025. Jeffrey Chan, senior asset manager at Strata Equity Group, noted that the process was made easier by the assistance of those involved – they gave an explanation of the proceedings, as well as responded to all queries promptly.