
PG&E Customer Electricity Greenhouse Gas-Free Last Year

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) retail customers received completely greenhouse gas-free electricity in 2023, with 34% of total electricity delivered to retail customers coming from specified eligible-renewable resources such as solar.

“We’re all in on creating a clean energy future,” says Patti Poppe, CEO of PG&E. “Providing retail customers with 100% greenhouse gas-free electricity in 2023 highlights that PG&E’s electric generation portfolio supports achievement of California’s climate goals.”

As of March, the company had brought online 2,100 MW of new incremental BESS capacity. These included the 350 MW MOSS350 Energy Storage project in Monterey County, the 169 MW Edwards Sanborn Energy Storage project in Mojave and the 132 MW North Central Valley Energy Storage project in San Joaquin County.

Through this January, behind-the-meter battery storage systems among PG&E customers totaled more than 670 MW.

PG&E retail customers also received 53% of their electric deliveries from carbon-free nuclear power generated by Diablo Canyon Power Plant and 13% from large hydroelectric power.