
Polaris Signs VPPA with Enel for Fence Post Solar+Storage

Enel North America and Polaris have started operations at Enel’s Fence Post Solar+Storage project, a 297 MW PV and 86 MW storage system installation located in Navarro County, Texas. 

The project is supported by a 12-year VPPA. Polaris will purchase the electricity and associated RECs generated by a 22 MW portion of Fence Post Solar, matching approximately 40% of the company’s U.S. electrical use.

“Polaris shares Enel’s mission to bring more clean energy onto the grid,” says Stephen Pike, head of Enel North America’s renewable energy production business, Enel Green Power North America.

“Across all sectors, leaders like Polaris are stepping up to secure the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy. Enel offers the clean and flexible solutions businesses need to advance their sustainability goals.”

The solar project began operations in December, while the battery storage system is complete and undergoing final commissioning. 

Coho Climate Advisors advised Polaris on this VPPA and supported the company in its project selection, analysis, negotiations and deal execution.