
Qcells Deploys Lumet Metallization Technology for PV Cell Lines

Qcells is set to become the first PV company to deploy Lumet’s fine-line metallization technology for its solar cell lines. 

During the metallization step of solar cell production, conductive silver fingers are screen-printed onto the cell’s surface. The industry has long sought to reduce finger width, in order to both decrease silver consumption and reduce light shading, the company says. 

It adds that this technology is capable of producing sub-ten-micron finger widths, enabling PV solar cell producers to possibly attain higher cell efficiency.

“After lengthy evaluation and testing, Qcells has decided to adopt Lumet metallization technology for its future PV solar cell lines,” says Qcells’ Dr. Danielle Merfeld. 

“We see tremendous potential in the Lumet metallization technology, which is a breakthrough on multiple fronts, setting records for finest lines, lowest cost, highest efficiency, highest speed and smallest footprint. Moreover, with Qcells’ commitment to expanding our U.S.-based manufacturing, the low CAPEX and high automation level of the Lumet systems are very attractive. For all those reasons, we are thrilled that Qcells will be the first to introduce this technology to the market and we look forward to taking further steps to deepening our strategic partnership with Lumet.”