
Silfab Solar to Secure Additional Glass from SOLARCYCLE Georgia Facility

Silfab Solar has made an agreement with SOLARCYCLE to purchase ultra-low carbon domestic glass for its PV panels from the glass manufacturer’s forthcoming Georgia facility that will recycle materials from retired panels to make new solar glass.

“SOLARCYCLE is an ideal partner because of its demonstrated success and innovative processes that already have made Silfab a more sustainable operation,” says Paolo Maccario, Silfab president and CEO. “Utilizing American-produced glass in our PV modules further meets the county’s demands for USA content in made-in-America clean energy products and creates additional U.S. jobs.”

With the planned SOLARCYCLE glass facility located about 300 miles from Silfab Solar’s newest factory in South Carolina, the companies estimate to be reducing the climate impacts created during shipping by more than 50%.

Silfab also plans to send its older or under-performing modules, as well as materials left over from the production process, to SOLARCYCLE for recycling.