
SPW is now accepting applications for the 2024 Top Solar Contractors List

The application portal is now open for Solar Power World’s esteemed Top Solar Contractors List.  Any solar PV developer, installer or subcontractor working in the United States can begin the application process now on Solar Power World’s website. The deadline to apply to the 2024 Top Solar Contractors List is Friday, May 24, 2024.

“The U.S. industry is having another bumpy ride on the solarcoaster this year. That’s why Solar Power World thinks it’s important to celebrate those solar installers and contractors doing the hard work every day,” said Kelly Pickerel, Solar Power World editor-in-chief. “We are grateful for their dedication to getting important and necessary gigawatts of clean energy in the ground and on roofs.”

The Solar Power World Top Solar Contractors List is the most recognized annual listing of solar contractors in the United States working in the utility, commercial, community and residential markets. Companies are grouped and listed by specific service, markets and states based on the previous year’s installed kilowatt capacity. The list provides local solar installers with a free marketing opportunity to broadcast their installation accomplishments. Previous lists can be found at

All companies involved with the installation of solar projects across the United States are invited to join this exclusive list. Top Solar Contractors List applicants must choose a primary service (developer, EPC, installer, electrical subcontractor, installation subcontractor or sales partner) and a primary market (residential, commercial, community or utility) on their applications. Service definitions and other list explanations can be found on the Top Solar Contractors FAQ page.

Applicants must provide proof of installation numbers by submitting 2023 project details in an Excel document. Solar Power World editors will verify submitted data with state interconnection records and utility records. (Note: Provided information will not be used for any other purpose or provided to others for solicitation. Submitted project data will be destroyed after installation numbers are verified.) Examples of what is required can be found online.

In addition to state, market and service lists, Solar Power World features a Top Solar + Storage Installers sub-list, ranking companies based on the amount of energy storage (measured in kilowatt-hours) installed with solar projects. Applicants only have to include an additional column on their Excel document showing storage installations to be considered for this 2024 list. Additional information can be found on the application page.

Project data must be submitted at the time of application. The deadline to apply for the 2024 Top Solar Contractors list is May 24.

Solar Power World will also award four individuals this year the designation of Top Solar Champion. Nominations are open to the public for the four awards: Top Solar Advocate, Top Solar Installer, Top Solar Designer and Top Solar Changemaker. More information about award qualifications and the nomination process can be found here:

Any questions about the Top Solar Contractors List can be directed to

Solar Power World is the leading online and print resource for news and information regarding solar installation, development and technology. Since 2011, Solar Power World has helped U.S. solar contractors — including installers, developers and EPCs in all markets — grow their businesses and do their jobs better.