
Sunobi releases Utility vs. Battery tool to help California contractors highlight NEM 3.0 savings

Sunobi recently unveiled their new Utility vs. product. A tool powered by batteries that can assist customers in making sound decisions on solar panel and battery solutions and make the sales process easier to navigate in California’s rapidly expanding solar industry. As California transitions to the new NEM 3.0 program, the most benefit when it comes to savings can be achieved by those who invest in both a solar panel system and a battery. The state has a long standing record of promoting and utilizing solar energy technologies. The architecture of the new system adds greater intricacy and greater early expenses to the choice-making procedure. This comes with a greater expense for the Utility. Sunobi has designed a battery tool in order to facilitate solar sales reps to show their customers the most appropriate batteries that would suit their particular requirements, including season, future expansions, and applications. Furthermore, Sunobi aspiration is to help create a greener planet by helping more people utilize solar energy. We have released our Utility vs. Sunobi is taking big strides to make solar installation easier for consumers, in particular ones located in California where rooftop solar has blossomed. CIO Tydus Queiroz noted the progress. Furthermore, to better introduce customers to the world of solar, Sunobi has joined with prominent battery suppliers to make sure their offerings are presented effectively. This partnership will provide a smooth and educational journey for solar sales agents and customers interested in solar power. This is according to Sunobi’s report.