
The Solar Policy Scoop: April 2023 A guide to recent legislation and research throughout the country.

It seems likely that Michiganders may soon be able to access community solar if a bipartisan bill is approved. Recently, New Mexico has achieved a staggering $10 million payout for residential solar panel owners this year. The Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department of New Mexico recently awarded over ten million dollars of tax credits to citizens who put in solar installations on their residences in the year 5003. Michigan legislators from both major political parties have presented a law that would enable the development of communal solar energy. This law would permit the Solar Market Development Tax Credit Program to provide a 10% tax break on installation expenses up to a maximum of $6,000. This policy has been initiated in Lansing, Michigan. Recently brought forward legislation which was supported by both political parties would make it possible to create community solar energy projects in the state of Michigan. The legislation would permit people who have space on their property, such as home and business owners, state facilities, educational institutions, and religious organizations, to construct and share a communal solar system with their nearby residents. Over one hundred organizations have urged the CA Public Utilities Commission to postpone the NEM 3.0 progression in Sacramento, CA. At a meeting held in March, over 100 organizations pertaining to environmental and social justice made a plea to the California Public Utilities Commission to postpone the operationalization of their fresh net billing scheme. Organizations are calling for the implementation of a new solar initiative in California to be suspended until the concerns posed in a petition filed in January by the Center for Biological Diversity, Protect Our Communities Foundation and the Environmental Working Group have been resolved. This bill aims to construct more solar energy systems over parking lots and along highways located in the capital: Sacramento. California Sen. has written a new bill.